Our Mission To Become

VCR is underway with its comprehensive plans to become completely carbon-neutral and is doing so by adopting sustainable practices in its brand-new site. With all-new fully electric spray booths (manufactured in Britain) installed in its workshop, the use of energy-efficient technology and systems automated LED lighting throughout the building and making operational changes, VCR is reducing energy consumption, greenhouse gas emissions and reducing waste.

The business will be offsetting its remaining emissions through renewable energy projects and carbon offset programmes.

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Car Polishing & Detailing

Taking A Green Approach To Running Our Business

Environmental sustainability is at the forefront of VCR’s expansion, and the business is committed to contributing to a greener way in which it repairs vehicles.

Recycling & Waste Management

VCR has implemented recycling and waste management programmes to reduce the amount of waste sent to landfills. Hazardous materials will be disposed of responsibly via a reputable recycling company.

Hybrid Vehicle Fleets

VCR has introduced hybrid vehicles to its fleet and has plans to replace all traditional gasoline-powered vehicles to hybrid in a company target to eliminate tailpipe emissions and reduce air pollution.

Solar Panel Installation

Further plans to reduce its carbon footprint include a reduction of energy use and dependence on fossil fuels as VCR will install solar panels within the first year of operating from its new site – enabling the use of renewable energy – as well as installing a rubberised water-based Noxyde and coating to the roof to improve the building’s insulation.